Dragonfly Tattoos Designs, Ideas and Meaning
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29/06/2018The dragonfly is one of the prettiest symbols when it comes to tattooing. These are creatures of the wind and so they are the iconic symbols for change. They are also related to the element of water, and like any water being, they symbolize the dreaming or the subconscious mind. In occult and spiritual doctrines, the dragonfly stands between the mundane and the mystical worlds. The flight of the dragonfly is linked with the fluttering of semiconscious thoughts that occur within us all the time. Having such a rich symbolic significance, the dragonfly is an immensely popular tattoo symbol. They are usually sported by women, for whom a dragonfly also signifies a delicate grace. Both 2D and 3D dragonfly tattoos are in vogue nowadays. Dragonfly tattoos are sometimes combined with other images as well, such as flowers or stars to carry additional meanings.

Choose from the strikingly colorful dragonfly tattoos that are presented in this site as they will definitely suit your artistic temperament.