Cloud Tattoos Designs, Ideas and Meaning
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14/06/2018When it comes to tattoo designs that depict the beautiful nature in all its glory, cloud tattoos really stand supreme. These tattoos not only have a great aesthetic appeal, they can also have a deep personal meaning to the individual who sports them. For example, they may liken their own nature with the vastness of the skies and beyond. Clouds have long been considered as the abode of the Gods in many cultures, especially in the myths of Greco-Roman civilizations. The various formations and colors of clouds are associated with diverse forms of messages. Puffy clouds with bright light would signify positivity and hopefulness, and stormy clouds were considered to be a harbinger of some bad news. Clouds are also associated with the ideas of transformation and transcendence. These tattoos come in a number of styles and designs. These include blue clouds, red clouds, dark clouds, clouds with bright sunshine, clouds with the sun shining above them, clouds with the all-seeing eye, clouds and lightning, angel sitting or standing on a cloud as well as clouds along with the Cross.

The cloud tattoos presented here are quite beautiful and realistic in their scenic depictions.